The Roundabout

Jan. 16, 2025

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Woodbury Weather via National Weather Service






H: 34 L: 29

Partly Sunny

H: 37 L: 5

Mostly Cloudy

H: 9 L: -11

Sunny and Blustery

H: -5 L: -14


H: -6 L: -14


Newsletter Editors: Pat Mack and Manali Shah | Copy Editor: Beth-Ann Bloom

Bus Aide Charged With Inappropriately Touching Woodbury Child

By Pat Mack

A man who was employed as a bus aide is being accused of inappropriately touching a six-year-old child in October. Raymond Matthew Cook, 51, of St. Paul, faces a felony charge of second-degree criminal sexual conduct, according to a case filed Friday in Washington County District Court.

The incident occurred on a school bus on Oct. 22. The court document states the child’s mother told Woodbury police officers that her son had said he did not like riding the bus home from school because of a bus aide. She reported that on that day the aide inappropriately touched her son through his pants for several seconds.

The driver told officers he was "weirded out" by the defendant's behavior including how close he was sitting next to the child. The complaint states that a review of video from a surveillance camera showed the defendant seated next to the child and repeatedly leaning into his seat and reaching toward the boy. The child “at one point makes a screeching sound, turns his body away from the defendant, and says ‘it's your fault,’ “ according to the complaint.

South Washington County Schools sent a message to parents this week about the incident. The district states that it contracts with Big River Bus Company to provide transportation for a small number of its students. “Employees of the bus company are not employees of the school district,” the statement emphasizes.

The statement also pointed out that the bus aide has not been on a bus that serves the district since Oct. 22. The district declined to identify which school the child attends.

In a statement to Woodbury News Net, district spokesman Shawn Hogendorf said Big River Bus Company contacted South Washington Schools on Oct. 23 and shared that its review of the surveillance video from the bus did not find evidence that the aide had acted inappropriately.

The statement added:

“South Washington County Schools would not share information with families when the only information it had received indicated that the allegations were not substantiated. Additionally, the District knew the matter had been reported to law enforcement.

“South Washington County Schools has a high level of respect for the Woodbury Police Department. South Washington County Schools understood that if the aide presented a risk of harm to another child, law enforcement would have notified the District, contacted other potential victims, or requested that school officials ask families to talk with their children about the incident and then contact the police with any concerns.

South Washington County Schools must trust law enforcement’s expert discretion in these types of situations, particularly since the aide was not an employee of the District, and school officials had no means of obtaining additional information about the aide or the investigation.”

Pat Regan, president of Big River Bus Company, said Cook is suspended at least until the court proceedings are completed.

His statement on behalf of the company: "Student safety is our number one priority. Upon learning of an alleged incident involving a bus aide on one of our buses on October 22, 2024, Big River Bus Company immediately removed the employee in question from all student contact. We maintain strict employee screening standards to provide a safe environment for our passengers. All employees pass state and federally mandated background checks. We will continue to fully cooperate with the investigation."

Cook is scheduled to appear in court on Feb. 12. He has not yet entered a plea.

City Might Help Finance Ash Tree Removal By Homeowners

Courtesy: City of Woodbury

By Pat Mack

The City of Woodbury is considering creating a program to help homeowners pay for the removal of trees infected by the Emerald Ash Borer. “The rapidly increasing number of dead ash trees as EAB spreads around the community pose a safety and property hazard,” City Administrator Clint Gridley stated in a report to the city council.

The program would provide loans up to $20,000 modeled after a program that provides financial assistance for road projects. “The time is approaching when Community Development’s Code Enforcement Division may need to actively enforce condemnation and removal of dead hazardous Ash trees,” the report states. “Before moving in this direction, and to facilitate voluntary compliance, staff proposes creating a proactive approach program to provide qualified homeowners in Woodbury with financing assistance to spread out costs associated with the removal of EAB infested Ash trees on their private property.”

The city first confirmed the presence of EAB in Ash trees in the parking lot of the Woodbury Theater in August 2017. City staff have been removing infected trees and treating healthy ones on public property since then.

Funding for the $500,000 in financial assistance would come from the city’s general fund and be paid back over time. Staff recommends the money be set aside for the 2025-2027 fiscal years. Homeowners could access a projected city borrowing rate, paying back a loan of up to $5,000 in three years, $10,000 in five years, and $20,000 in seven years. The council could decide to offer a lower interest rate to lower income homeowners. If accepted into the program, the homeowner would hire a private contractor to remove the trees.

The council considered the program at its workshop Dec. 8. The proposal will eventually be heard at a regular council meeting.

City Elevates Winter Parking Rules Enforcement Friday

The city will conduct elevated enforcement of winter parking rules tomorrow, Jan. 17, to help snowplow operators clear streets as thoroughly as possible. The parking regulations state residents should not park their car on the street between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. or after a two-inch snowfall. Call Public Works at (651) 714-3720 or email [email protected] with questions. Tips for winter parking can be found here.

Building Permits Held Steady in 2024

Courtesy: City of Woodbury

The city issued 452 building permits for single family and townhome construction in 2024, according to the city administrator’s report for the Dec. 8 council meeting. The figure was down from 2023 by 3.6 percent. Finance and Commerce reported that Woodbury ranked third in the metro suburbs for single-family home construction from January through November, behind only Rosemount and Lakeville. The overall number of permits fell 33.1 percent largely because the figures from the past two years were inflated by a lot of roofing and siding repair permits because of severe weather damage.

Next Phase For Park Vegetation Restoration Funded

The city received a $358,679 grant to fund the second phase of the Ojibway Park Vegetation Restoration. The money will be used for more habitat restoration in the prairie, wetlands, and forest areas in the park. The Conservation Partners Legacy Grant is funded from the Outdoor Heritage Fund and the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment.

Gold Line Rapid Bus Transit Gearing Up

Courtesy: METRO Transit

Crews this winter are finishing up their work on the METRO Gold Line Bus Rapid Transit line that will connect Woodbury to St. Paul. Crews are finishing details on station platforms and testing the new route. That includes buses running on the dedicated guideway in advance of the line opening Mar. 22. The 10-mile line will feature bus-only lanes generally north and near Interstate 94. The frequent, all-day service will stop at 16 stations with four Park & Rides. Metro Transit reminds people to not walk, bike, or drive on the Gold Line bus guideway.

Washington County Adds Mobile Services Van

Washington County Commissioners Stan Karwoski (District 2), Fran Miron (District 1), Bethany Cox (District 3), Michelle Clasen (District 5), and Karla Bigham (District 4) stand with staff from the Community Services Department in front of the Washington County Mobile Social Services Vehicle. Photo: Washington County

Washington County’s Community Services Department has added a mobile services vehicle thanks to a state grant. The vehicle will bring mental health, substance use disorder, and social service resources to people through regular stops at community sites. The program will bring assistance and information to people facing barriers to accessing services. “The Mobile Social Services Vehicle is a custom-designed, high-ceiling van,” a news release states. “Inside, the van is equipped with a meeting space that serves as both a workspace for staff and a welcoming area for individuals receiving services.” One of the goals for the vehicle is to normalize conversations about mental health and substance abuse in order to break down stigmas. The vehicle was funded by a one-time grant opportunity through the State of Minnesota Department of Human Services, Adult Mental Health Initiative. Ongoing program expenses will be funded through the Adult Mental Health Initiative grants.

Candidates Sought For American Legion Boys State

The Woodbury American Legion Post 501 is seeking candidates from local Woodbury high schools for the 76th Annual American Legion Boys State. The gathering will be held June 8-14 on the campus of St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota. High school juniors who live in Woodbury are eligible. They are selected based on their academic performance and leadership potential. Information will be provided to guidance counselors or principals at high schools in Woodbury. Applicants who reside in Woodbury but go to a high school outside the city are also eligible to apply through Post 501. Legion Boys State is a practical learning experience in local and state government. For more information on Boys State, click here or email [email protected].

Local History Group Hears About Rigors Of Civil War

Mike Frain presented his talk, “Life As A Civil War Soldier,” Sunday to the Woodbury Heritage Society. Photo: Contributed.

By Dr. Bill Schrankler and Margaret Wachholz | Woodbury Heritage Society

A historian presented his talk, “Life As a Civil War Soldier,” to the Woodbury Heritage Society Sunday. Research by the local history group shows Woodbury residents were among the 25,000 young Minnesotans who fought for the North.

Attendees described Mike Frain’s presentation as superb for his knowledge and presentation skills. Frain is not only an expert and world traveler, but he also appeared in the 1980s TV series "North and South" and the 1989 movie called "Glory" filmed in Georgia.

While anticipating Frain’s presentation, Tom Bielenberg, a volunteer with the Woodbury Heritage Society, shared information about soldiers from Woodbury who fought in the war.

Frain and Tom Bielenberg made fantastic discoveries about our local lads. The Civil War soldiers from Woodbury were all immigrants:

  • Jacob Dunn- England

  • Peter Born- Prussia

  • John Fitzgerald- Ireland

  • Jacob Horrisberger- Switzerland

  • Samuel Middleton- Ireland

Three of them were in the same regiment, the 2nd Cavalry Regiment MN Volunteers. Jacob Horrisberger was wounded at the Battle of Tupelo and Samuel Middleton died at Memphis. Bielenberg is continuing his research.

Click here for the rest of the story including what soldiers endured during their service in Civil War.

Woodbury Connection To Music At President Carter’s Funeral

Stephen Paulus. Photo: Contributed.

Music by a composer with ties to Woodbury was performed as part of the State Funeral for President Jimmy Carter last week. “The Road Home” by Stephen Paulus, was the first song of the service in the Washington National Cathedral. “Pilgrims Hymn,” another of Paulus’ nearly 500 compositions, was included in memorials for Presidents Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan.

Paulus died ten years ago. He was married to Patty Stutzman Paulus, who serves on the Woodbury Heritage Board as a volunteer. Her family owned the Marsh Creek land before it was sold to development. The Heritage House/Museum, which was in her family for a long time, is now preserved at Marsh Creek Park. The Stutzmans were among of the first settlers in Woodbury.

The Road Home,” a best-selling choral piece, was composed by Paulus with text by poet Michael Dennis Browne. Commissioned and premiered by the Dale Warland Singers in 2002, it has since grown to become Paulus's most performed work, selling hundreds of thousands of scores and generating performances across the world.

Word Scramble 4

Rearrange the letters to make words relating to stories in this week’s Roundabout.

  1. ARPK

  2. LODG

  3. TSTAE

  4. SEQTU


Click here for bonus words, hints, and the answers!

Events of Note

Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Several events are being held Monday for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. More information can be found here.

Coin Quest, Woodbury parks. Coins will be hidden the weeks of Jan. 13, 20 and 27 in Woodbury’s fifth annual winter medallion hunt. Clues will be provided throughout the week to help seekers find the hidden coin! Follow Woodbury Parks and Recreation and Woodbury MN Police Fire EMS on Facebook to see the clues. The individuals who find each coin will receive the original coin as a keepsake and $100 worth of gift cards to Woodbury businesses. No registration is required and the Coin Quest is open to all Woodbury residents. 

Let’s Talk: Writing Your Life Story, Jan. 15, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., Eagle Valley Golf Course Banquet Room, Woodbury. Would you like to write about your life to pass on to family members? Perhaps you have already done this. Come with ideas and questions. If you have published, bring your book. Free. Woodbury Parks and Recreation asks you to pre-register.

Comedy Show Headlined by John Bush, Friday, Jan. 17, at 7:30 p.m. at Eagle Valley Golf Course, Woodbury. Headliner John Bush, seen on HBO, Showtime, Gotham Comedy Live, Late Night with Conan O’Brien, with feature act Ben Marcotte, seen at Goonies Comedy Club, Boss’ Comedy Club, Paramount Theater in Austin, MN. A production of Peak Entertainment and Woodbury Parks and Recreation. Tickets are $25 in advance or $30 at the door.

Winter Maker’s Market, Saturday, Jan. 18, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Cottage Grove Ravine Regional Park. Chase away the winter blues with a day in the park! Come to the new Ravine Landing building to browse a curated selection of handcrafted items in our Multipurpose Room. Ski and snowshoe rentals available at the front desk, along with park merchandise and gift cards.

Click here for more events.

Update on Woodbury News Net:

We are a non-profit organization creating a credible news source for Woodbury. Our leadership team includes Paul Huffman, Susan Kent, Pat Mack, Rich Radke, Kathy Saltzman, and Manali Shah.

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