The Roundabout

Aug. 15, 2024

Editor’s Note: Thank you to everyone who has donated and shared our newsletter with others! You are helping us fulfill our mission of providing fact-based news and information about Woodbury. We now have 1,260 people who receive this newsletter! As we grow, the newsletter will become more frequent, and we will fully launch our news website. Please continue to share and encourage people to join our email list. It’s free and always will be! Donate to our cause if you’re able!

Newsletter Editor: Pat Mack

Woodbury Weather via National Weather Service






H: 76
L: 65

Mostly Cloudy then Scattered Storms

H: 74
L: 62

Showers Likely then Scattered Storms

H: 81
L: 60

Mostly Sunny

H: 82
L: 59

Areas of Fog then Sunny

H: 80
L: 5-


Things to Know

Rendering: Ryan Companies

Council Approves Distribution Center for Amazon

By Pat Mack

The Woodbury City Council last night approved an Amazon warehouse distribution center that is expected to create 180 jobs.

The center’s tenant had been undisclosed but was released at the meeting. The center, which will be built by Ryan Companies, will span 225,550 square feet on the north side of Hudson Road and east of Settlers Ridge Parkway.

“These types of facilities are commonly referred to as ‘last-mile facilities’ and will likely enhance product delivery times for the community,” City Planner Eric Searles said.

Amazon already operates a 515,000-square-foot warehouse distribution center nearby. Hudson Road was improved at that time to handle more traffic. For the second facility, Amazon has agreed to pay for a traffic signal at Hudson Road and Lake View Drive.

Searles said the new center will operate 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Deliveries from the warehouse to homes and businesses will be made by 450 vans from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Approximately 70 vans will leave the center every 20 minutes. About 20 semi trucks will make deliveries to the center from midnight to 7 a.m. The warehouse expects to start with 180 employees to handle packages.

The facility was approved by a series of 4-1 votes. Council member Kim Wilson voted against the project, saying she was disappointed it would add to traffic next to an affordable housing project in the same area.

Council member Andrea Date said she supported the center but wished the building would include solar panels on the roof when it opens. The facility will be built so they can be added. The site will include 216 charging stations for Amazon’s electric delivery vans.

The current Amazon warehouse is a “middle-mile” facility. Goods are delivered by semi trucks to the warehouse and then those goods are distributed to satellite Amazon facilities in the area.

Mayor Anne Burt said she was happy with the jobs the facility will create as well as how it will help develop northeast Woodbury. “I’m excited for this project,” she said.

Eight Candidates File for City Council

By Manali Shah

Eight candidates have filed papers for two seats up for election this November on the Woodbury City Council.

Current council member Kim Wilson is running again along with Murid Amini, Timothy Brewington, Michael Burke, Dave Hoelzel, Temmy Olasimbo, Benjamin Sherrard, and Donna Stafford. Incumbent Andrea Date did not file for re-election.

Candidates for municipal elective office may withdraw by filing an Affidavit of Withdrawal with the City Clerk by 5 p.m. today. City council terms last four years.

Woodbury Man Faces Robbery Charges

Charges have been filed against a Woodbury man for two bank robberies in Woodbury and one in Oakdale, according to the St. Paul Pioneer Press. A criminal complaint states Zahir Mohamednazir Bachelani, 38, told police he robbed the banks because of mounting medical bills. A call to a tip line led police to a silver Hyundai Sonata that was similar to one noted during one of the robberies. The newspaper reports it was owned by Bachelani and found at a workplace near one of the banks. Police arrested him when he left work. He is charged with second-degree aggravated robbery and two counts of simple robbery.

Child Care Worker Charged After Baby Injured

A worker at Stepping Stones Early Learning Center in Woodbury has been charged with one count of malicious punishment of a child causing substantial bodily harm, according to KSTP-TV. Chantelle Michelle Cheri Vevang, 35, of Roberts, Wisconsin, was charged after an investigation by the Department of Human Services. The criminal complaint states the victim sustained a broken femur in her right leg. Stepping Stones told the TV station it regrets the incident.

Rendering: Thielen & Green

Car Wash Approved Near Walmart

By Pat Mack

The Woodbury City Council last night approved a full-service car wash east of Walmart at 10430 Hudson Road.

Woodbury faces water challenges because “forever chemicals” - per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) - were found to have contaminated several city wells. The city is treating that well water to federal standards with temporary facilities while a water treatment plant is being built.

4SD worked with city staff to boost the amount of water the car wash would reclaim from 58 percent to 74 percent, which was noted as high for the industry.

The Public Works Department says the projected 2.27 million gallons of water the car wash would use annually would “not negatively impact the availability” of water for the city. The peak period for car washes is November to May, which is off-peak for watering lawns.

Council member Kim Wilson was the lone vote against the project, saying the optics were “crazy” to approve a new business that would require so much water when the city is managing its growth and urging residents to conserve. But council member Andrea Date said the car wash could reduce the city’s water use because it will be far more efficient than people washing cars at home.

Traffic flow on the site was reworked after concerns were raised by the planning commission.

Car Wash


Annual Gallons Used


600 Woodbury Dr



2030 Eagle Creek Ln


Planned project

10430 Hudson Rd



1569 Woodlane Dr


Kwik Trip

8477 City Centre Dr


Kwik Trip

10100 Hudson Rd



4104 Radio Dr


Senior Mason Dols, Matthew Johnson, former President, Woodbury Community Foundation, and Senior Eleanor Johnston (Photo: Margaret Wachholz)

Youth Academy Scholarship Winners

By Manali Shah

Seniors Mason Dols and Eleanor Johnston were the recipients of the Paul Rebholz scholarships at the Youth Engagement Leadership Academy earlier this month. They each received $2,500 toward their college tuition.

 YELA, a program hosted by the Woodbury Community Foundation, is a five-week summer course. Each week, academy students heard from community leaders, including the mayor, city council members, city staff, county commissioners, non-profit leaders, and business owners. They learned Woodbury’s history from members of the Woodbury Heritage Society. Another session took students to the HERO Center where Woodbury’s Public Safety Department demonstrated fire drills.

To qualify for the scholarship participants are expected to attend every session and write an essay on how the academy helped them understand the impact of giving back to the community. The scholarships are given by the Rebholz family in memory of former Woodbury city council member, Paul Rebholz, through the Rounds Fore Rebs Fund. 

Editor’s Note: Manali Shah is a member of the Woodbury Community Foundation’s Board of Directors. The foundation serves as the fiscal sponsor for Woodbury News Net.

Photo: Julie Rageth

Angels of Hope Honor Children Lost

Families who have lost a child will gather at the Angels of Hope Memorial Garden to honor the memories of children of any age who have passed too soon. The ceremony will begin at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 22, at Woodbury City Hall. The memorial garden and statue, which was dedicated one year ago, was created by local parents as a place of remembrance, solace, and peace in their children’s honor. All are welcome. 

Julie Rageth is one of the founders. "The Angels of Hope ceremony is an annual event dedicated to the memory of our cherished children who are deeply loved and missed,” Rageth said. “During the ceremony, we honor them by saying their names and reflecting on their lives. This year, we will remember 93 children from our community. The Angel symbolizes hope and healing for the families and friends who hold them in their hearts.”

For information about the memorial, purchasing a remembrance plaque, or the Angel community’s monthly informal gatherings at King of Kings Lutheran Church, e-mail [email protected].

Photo: Contributed

Woodbury Veteran Celebrates 100th Birthday

Paul Esparza of Woodbury celebrated his 100th birthday Sunday. The date was noted by the American Legion Woodbury Post 501. During World War II, Esparza was wounded in the Battle of the Bulge and received a Purple Heart. He retired as a Command Master Sergeant after serving 35 years in the U.S. Air Force, . “Congratulations, Paul, on your 100th birthday,” Bob Dolan, commander of the American Legion Woodbury Post 501, said. “Thank you for your service to this great country.”

Swans photographed by Manali Shah in the Dancing Waters neighborhood on 08-13-24

Wildlife in Woodbury

Curious about the wildlife, including swans, in Woodbury and the surrounding area? Here’s more information courtesy of Beth-Ann Bloom and the Woodbury Heritage Society.

What Are Your Woodbury Days Favorites?

Look for a special Woodbury Days edition of The Roundabout in your email inbox early next week. We’ll preview the annual celebration taking place Aug. 23-25 at Ojibway Park. We would love to hear about your favorite part or favorite memory of Woodbury Days. Send us your thoughts at [email protected].

Update on Woodbury News Net:

Making News
We are a group of volunteers who are creating an independent, trustworthy news source. Our effort attracted some media attention earlier this year. These stories provide background on the need we see and how we plan to fill it.

Our leadership team is composed of Paul Huffman, Susan Kent, Pat Mack, Rich Radke, Kathy Saltzman, and Manali Shah.

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